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        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration封面

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        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration


        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration投稿要求

        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration雜志投稿須知:Title Page:The title page should contain: Title, Authors, Affiliations,Acknowledgement, and Footnotes supplying: Correspondentauthor‘s information including: the full name, complete mailing address, telephone and fax number, and, if available, e-mail address; Job titles of all authors; and The name(s) of sponsor(s) of the research contained in the paper, along with grant number(s), if any.General: The manuscript should be provided in single-spaced typing Time New Roman, 10.5 pt., on A4 size pages in electronic format using Microsoft Word. It must be written in English and should not exceed 13,000 word-equivalents. (A journal page contains approximately 1,300 words.) Technical notes should not exceed 4,000 word-equivalents. If it is necessary to include additional information, such as appendices, these should be submitted electronically for inclusion on a web site for the journal.Abstracts: Each paper should include an Abstract of 150-200 words, reporting concisely on the purpose of the work, the scope of the effort, the procedures used to execute the work (if of special interest), the major findings, and a list of three to eight keywords. The abstract must be self-contained, and it must not require reference to the paper to be understood.Text: Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Appendix, References, Vitage, Figures (including captions) and then Tables. Footnotes are to be avoided (except for table footnotes). Please complete text minus the title page, acknowledgment, and any running headers with author names, to allow blinded review.Units: The SI system is to be used throughout; if it is necessary to use other units, these should be added in parentheses.ReferencesReferences should appear within the text as the author name(s) followed by the year of publication in parentheses. A list of all references must be given at the end of the text in alphabetical order by last name of first author. Make sure the reference information is complete and accurate, including as necessary and in the following order: last names and initials of all authors; year of publication; title of paper, report or book chapter (in quotes); title of book or periodical (in italic); volume and issue numbers; name and location of publisher (for books), name and location of publisher or sponsor for proceedings), or city of publication (for non-U.S. journals); and inclusive page numbers. The references should be listed in the following style:Liu Huixian and Zhang Zaiyong (1980), “Lessons Learned from the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake,” Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. IX, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.453– 460.Huo Linsheng and Li Hongnan (2004), “Torsionally Coupled Response Control of Offshore Platform Structures Using Circular Tuned Liquid Column Dampers,” China Ocean Engineering, 18(2):173–183. (in Chinese)Newmark NM and Rosenblueth E (1971), Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration雜志簡(jiǎn)介

        《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》由中國地震局工程力學(xué)研究所主辦、美國多學(xué)科地震工程研究所中心(MCEER)協(xié)辦。

        《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》是反映我國地震工程與工程振動(dòng)領(lǐng)域最新成果和國外該領(lǐng)域最新進(jìn)展的學(xué)術(shù)性期刊,旨在促進(jìn)國際學(xué)術(shù)交流,推動(dòng)地震工程與工程振動(dòng)學(xué)科的發(fā)展,減輕地震災害。

        《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》主要刊登以下內容的綜合評述、專(zhuān)題研究論文和科研簡(jiǎn)報:結構和工程體系震害評定,強震觀(guān)測與分析,土木基礎設施的地震危害性與危險性分析,場(chǎng)地對結構的影響和巖土工程,建筑物與生命線(xiàn)系統的抗震性能和設計原理,結構控制,現有基礎設施系統的修復策略,結構動(dòng)力學(xué)以及和地震工程相關(guān)的阻尼理論的進(jìn)展,應急傳感與監測系統和高性能材料在地震工程中的應用,以及風(fēng)、波良和其它動(dòng)荷載下土木工程結構振動(dòng)問(wèn)題。

        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration統計分析









        曾*** :

        這是我的第一篇小論文。8月29號投的 ,中間修改了兩次,第一次意見(jiàn)很多很詳細,修后三天給的消息再細修改格式,后隔一天就錄用了(10月23號),現在在上交版權協(xié)議書(shū)和保密協(xié)議??梢哉f(shuō)編輯部工作人員很熱心和耐心,給的建議很中肯和詳細。

        2022-07-29 14:31:47

        國*** :


        2022-04-05 13:11:27

        諸葛*** :


        2022-03-10 10:32:46

        褚師*** :

        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration雜志投過(guò)三次稿件,前兩次都是被拒了,一個(gè)是一個(gè)半月給消息,一個(gè)是2個(gè)半月給消息,審稿人非常嚴格,特別挑剔……不過(guò)期望現在的第三次能中!

        2021-12-10 23:59:06

        盧*** :


        2021-12-07 04:35:47

        夾谷*** :

        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration雜志審稿速度很快,編輯態(tài)度很好,比一些大牛雜志的編輯和善很多,溝通也很順暢;審稿專(zhuān)家很認真,也很專(zhuān)業(yè),意見(jiàn)很是中肯,對文章起到非常好的潤色。值得推薦。

        2020-12-02 20:41:47

        麻*** :


        2020-07-06 00:45:48

        湛*** :

        Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration雜志工作人員審稿速度很快。專(zhuān)家審稿很仔細,意見(jiàn)很中肯!編輯工作認真負責,對問(wèn)題的修改很仔細到位。這個(gè)期刊水平較高,比較注重文章內容的自主創(chuàng )新。

        2020-05-25 02:29:16

        仲孫*** :

        一般3個(gè)月左右出來(lái)初審結果,但是得自己打電話(huà),編輯部一般不會(huì )主動(dòng)告知。版面費現在好像漲了些,出版要1以上。

        2019-09-01 21:01:04

        歐陽(yáng)*** :

        審稿兩個(gè)半月 直接接收 版面費是真不便宜 可能是ei的原因吧 出版真慢啊 已經(jīng)一了 還沒(méi)見(jiàn)刊了

        2019-01-20 17:03:49


        A:一稿多投的行為是典型的學(xué)術(shù)不端的行為,是國內外學(xué)術(shù)界都明令禁止的行為,原因主要在于涉及到文章版權歸屬的問(wèn)題,如果作者的文章已經(jīng)被某個(gè)雜志社錄用,或者同時(shí)被兩家雜志社錄用,就會(huì )涉及到版權糾紛,作為雜志社都會(huì )保護本社的合法權益,到這時(shí)作者就會(huì )比較麻煩,吃官司都是小事兒了,被打入黑名單降級降職影響可就太大了。
        A:職稱(chēng)論文發(fā)表并沒(méi)有明確規定截止時(shí)間,需要作者結合自己所在地區的具體規定自己安排發(fā)表時(shí)間,一般職稱(chēng)評審,各地區都會(huì )明確規定申報材料的最后期限和截止日期,我們結合這個(gè)日期來(lái)考慮何時(shí)發(fā)表文章就可以,大部分地區職稱(chēng)評審都集中在每年的8-10月之間,有的地區要求7月中旬開(kāi)始交材料,最晚8月底之前,有的則是要求8月中旬交,還有部分地區要求截止時(shí)間為申報時(shí)間上年的12月31日,所以,各個(gè)地區的具體要求并不同,申報者需要在提交材料前確保自己的文章已經(jīng)見(jiàn)刊并且被相應的數據庫檢索即可。
        A:由于發(fā)表論文的需求遠遠多于雜志版面的供應,再加上眾所周知的審稿難!審稿慢!選擇論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站發(fā)表表論文確實(shí)能解決以上問(wèn)題。賣(mài)方市場(chǎng)的出現加之發(fā)表論文的剛性需求,就導致出現先付款后發(fā)表的現狀。論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站正規與否是通過(guò)網(wǎng)站從始至終所提供服務(wù)體現出來(lái)的,任何交易只要存在時(shí)間差都會(huì )有風(fēng)險,但這個(gè)風(fēng)險是可以通過(guò)您的智慧來(lái)避免的。因為不是所有論文網(wǎng)站都是騙子,你要做的就是過(guò)濾掉沒(méi)保障的網(wǎng)站,選擇可靠的論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站!
        A:省級、國家級期刊建議至少提前6個(gè)月準備。一般來(lái)講,雜志社為了確保每期雜志正常出刊,都會(huì )提前將當期之后1-3個(gè)月的稿件提前安排好,而一些創(chuàng )刊較早,認可度更高的熱門(mén)期刊,來(lái)稿量較大,發(fā)表周期可能就會(huì )更久。提前準備,意味著(zhù)雜志的可選擇性更多。
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