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Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A投稿要求
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A雜志投稿須知:I. Paper Format Requirements TOP
1、 FiguresFormat At the revision stage, authors who have created their files using a drawing or painting program such as Visio, Origin, Excel, AutoCAD, Coreldraw should provide the original files that can be edited. Authors who have created their files using a drawing or painting program should export the files to TIFF, EPS, PSD, RAW, etc. format. Matlab figures are expected to be exported to EMF or EPS format. The figure’s magnification should be expressed by scale bars.Resolution For manuscripts in the revision stage, adequate figure resolution is essential to a high-quality print and online rendering of your paper. Raster line art should carry an absolute minimum resolution of 600 dots per inch (dpi).Line width The line width should generally be no less than 0.25 pt, and in our journal, the common line width is 0.5/0.75 pt. Please note that the actual line width changes with the scale of the figure. In different software, we recommend the line width: Visio: — 03; Origin: — 1、5; Matlab: — 1、5 pt, etc.Figures must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and each figure must be placed in the text following the paragraph in which it is first mentioned. A caption giving the figure number and a brief description must be included. The caption should be understandable without reference to the text. Figures should be cited in the text using the following format: Fig. 1, Fig. 1a, Figs. 1 and 2, Figs. 1–3, or Figs. 1a–1c.There will be an extra charge for those graphics considered for publication in color. Authors are expected to use different line types to distinguish the different parts of a figure that they do not want to have published in color.。
2、 TablesTables should be set up in Word and should usually contain three horizontal lines. Do not use vertical lines. Each table must have a brief title that describes its contents. The title should be understandable without reference to the text. Details such as explanatory material, specific entries, and definitions of non-standard abbreviations should be put in table footnotes, not in the title. In setting up tables, authors should keep in mind the area of the Journal’s page (16、4 cm×22、8 cm) and the column width (8.0 cm) and should make tables conform to the limitations of these dimensions.All tables must be mentioned in the text in consecutive order and must be numbered with Arabic numbers. Tables should be cited in the text using the following format: Table 1, Tables 1 and 2, or Tables 1–。
3、3、 Variables and formulaeVariables, regardless of the context (formula, figure or table), should be in Italics (e.g., x1); if a variable represents a vector or a matrix, it should be in Italics & bold (e.g., x1). Numerals and operators should never be italicized unless they are components of a variable.Authors are encouraged to import symbols and simple equations using normal text and fonts, e.g., “α” (not “” in MathType), “?” (not “-“) for a minus.For complex formulae, use a formula editor (e.g., MathType) and define the sizes as follows:Full: 10.5 pt;Subscript/Superscript: 58%;Sub-subscript/Superscript: 42%;Symbol: 150%;Sub-symbol: 100%.。
4、 UnitsUnits should be metric and follow SI convention:M→mol/L, rpm→r/min, etc.Some units such as ppb, ppm, ?, wt%, mol% are not SI ones and need to change into SI format:ppm→10?6, ?→0.1 nm, etc.Short forms:30 minutes→30 min, 2 hours→2 h, 10 days→10 d, etc.Put a space between a numeral and its unit of measure (exceptions: no space between a number and the percent “%?”, degree “°”, angular minute “′” or angular second “″”).。
5、Text CitationThe basic form of the author-date in the text consists of the author’s last (family) name. a comma, and the year of publication of the work.Examples of text citations:One author: (Vandermeer, 1990)Two authors: (Sun and Wang, 2000; Cao and Xu, 2001)Three or more authors: (Moons et al., 1997; Schlag et al., 2000a; 2000b)。
6、 Reference List (for accepted papers)The reference list provides complete information of the author-date citation in English and lists in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames. For references with more than three authors, the first three names should be given, followed by et al. The references mentioned in the text should accord with the reference list. For a reference published other than in English, the language used should be noted at the end of the reference list, e.g., (in Chinese). The publisher and place of publication should be given for a book or proceedings.
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A雜志簡(jiǎn)介
《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》(月刊)創(chuàng )刊于2000年,由浙江大學(xué)主辦。
《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》focuses on Applied Physics & Mathematics, Civil Engineering, Environmental, Energy, Materials, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical, EEE, Computer & Information Sciences.
《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》has been indexed & abstracted by Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E), Ei Compendex, CA, SA, AJ, ZM, CSA (AHTD/ AI/ AP/ ASF/ CDCD/ CE/ CI/ CIS/ Corr/ C-WC/ EC/ EMA/ MBF/ ESPM/ MD/ MG/ OA/ OT/ SS/ WR). JZUS-A welcomes the high-quality research articles, reviews, science letters, report, news & views etc from all over the world.
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A統計分析
1月26號投稿,一個(gè)半月左右正刊錄用。寫(xiě)的時(shí)候很趕,很多問(wèn)題都沒(méi)做到位,等待審稿意見(jiàn)的過(guò)程幾乎要放棄了,因為知道做的內容不夠,當時(shí)投的時(shí)候有點(diǎn)心存僥幸。果然,返修意見(jiàn)直中要害,但是慶幸的是沒(méi)有直接拒稿,返修時(shí)間一周,達不到要求將被拒稿或者增刊。時(shí)間緊迫,連續熬夜趕內容。返修截止前一天早上10點(diǎn)到返修截止當天晚上10點(diǎn),連續36小時(shí)幾乎沒(méi)閉眼。真的很感激責任編輯,給我機會(huì )讓我有努力的空間。最后努力沒(méi)有白費,正刊錄用。很慶幸能遇到這樣的責編。
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A速度還是很快的,中間耗了一個(gè)多月,除去這一個(gè)月,總共兩個(gè)月就錄用了!審稿專(zhuān)家很犀利,提的問(wèn)題很專(zhuān)業(yè)。想避開(kāi)的問(wèn)題都提到了。文章有創(chuàng )新很容易錄用的。
雜志比較注重文章的創(chuàng )新點(diǎn)和理論實(shí)際的結合。他們的投稿要求一定要認真看,寫(xiě)的非常詳細,簡(jiǎn)直就是導師了。然后在他們網(wǎng)站上看看之前收錄的文章,就知道該怎么寫(xiě)、寫(xiě)什么內容了。這樣就比較容易中啦。
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A雜志突出前瞻、權威、深度、多元,面向基層、面向企業(yè)提供創(chuàng )新性強、可讀性好、實(shí)用性大、特色明顯的新銳觀(guān)點(diǎn)不可不關(guān)注的雜志,雜志信息量很大,分析很專(zhuān)業(yè),權威度也高,投稿網(wǎng)物流也很快,好的一次購物,下次還會(huì )再來(lái)。
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A比較nice的,審稿速度也快,最近投了一篇很快就錄用了,然后自己拖了一個(gè)星期給修回編輯后過(guò)兩天就錄用了。編輯很nice,以人為本,很喜歡,期刊上論文的質(zhì)量也較高!
Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A審稿效率極高的,審稿人水平確實(shí)不錯,提出了好幾條有建設性的、對后續工作幫助極大的建議。編輯老師也很和善,校稿非常仔細,能看出雜志要求還是很?chē)乐數摹?
Q:論文發(fā)表的時(shí)候可以一稿多投嗎? |
A:一稿多投的行為是典型的學(xué)術(shù)不端的行為,是國內外學(xué)術(shù)界都明令禁止的行為,原因主要在于涉及到文章版權歸屬的問(wèn)題,如果作者的文章已經(jīng)被某個(gè)雜志社錄用,或者同時(shí)被兩家雜志社錄用,就會(huì )涉及到版權糾紛,作為雜志社都會(huì )保護本社的合法權益,到這時(shí)作者就會(huì )比較麻煩,吃官司都是小事兒了,被打入黑名單降級降職影響可就太大了。 |
Q:職稱(chēng)論文發(fā)表對時(shí)間有限制嗎? |
A:職稱(chēng)論文發(fā)表并沒(méi)有明確規定截止時(shí)間,需要作者結合自己所在地區的具體規定自己安排發(fā)表時(shí)間,一般職稱(chēng)評審,各地區都會(huì )明確規定申報材料的最后期限和截止日期,我們結合這個(gè)日期來(lái)考慮何時(shí)發(fā)表文章就可以,大部分地區職稱(chēng)評審都集中在每年的8-10月之間,有的地區要求7月中旬開(kāi)始交材料,最晚8月底之前,有的則是要求8月中旬交,還有部分地區要求截止時(shí)間為申報時(shí)間上年的12月31日,所以,各個(gè)地區的具體要求并不同,申報者需要在提交材料前確保自己的文章已經(jīng)見(jiàn)刊并且被相應的數據庫檢索即可。 |
Q:網(wǎng)上發(fā)表論文如何防騙?可靠網(wǎng)站與可疑網(wǎng)站如何區分? |
A:由于發(fā)表論文的需求遠遠多于雜志版面的供應,再加上眾所周知的審稿難!審稿慢!選擇論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站發(fā)表表論文確實(shí)能解決以上問(wèn)題。賣(mài)方市場(chǎng)的出現加之發(fā)表論文的剛性需求,就導致出現先付款后發(fā)表的現狀。論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站正規與否是通過(guò)網(wǎng)站從始至終所提供服務(wù)體現出來(lái)的,任何交易只要存在時(shí)間差都會(huì )有風(fēng)險,但這個(gè)風(fēng)險是可以通過(guò)您的智慧來(lái)避免的。因為不是所有論文網(wǎng)站都是騙子,你要做的就是過(guò)濾掉沒(méi)保障的網(wǎng)站,選擇可靠的論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站! |
Q:一般期刊需要提前多久準備? |
A:省級、國家級期刊建議至少提前6個(gè)月準備。一般來(lái)講,雜志社為了確保每期雜志正常出刊,都會(huì )提前將當期之后1-3個(gè)月的稿件提前安排好,而一些創(chuàng )刊較早,認可度更高的熱門(mén)期刊,來(lái)稿量較大,發(fā)表周期可能就會(huì )更久。提前準備,意味著(zhù)雜志的可選擇性更多。 |
Q:核心期刊需要提前多久準備? |
A:核心期刊建議至少提前12個(gè)月準備,核心期刊正常的審稿周期為1-3個(gè)月,且審核嚴格,退稿、返修幾率更大,這意味著(zhù)在流程上耗費的時(shí)間更久,且核心期刊版面有限,投稿競爭更加激烈,即使被錄用,排刊也比普通期刊晚很多,因此需要更早準備。 |