Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics投稿地址
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics詳細信息
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics投稿要求
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics雜志投稿須知:Aims and scopeThe journal, keeping abreast with the development trend of science and technology worldwide, reports the latest developments and achievements in systems engineering and electronics and related research areas, and encourages various academic views. The journal welcomes papers from a wide variety of countries.The journal strives to publish high-quality papers reporting original work in both theoretical and practical research results within the journal scope, involving system analysis, system modeling and simulation, military system analysis, aircraft control, C3I, radar, information systems engineering, machine intelligence, artificial neural networks, information acquisition and processing, aerospace electronics, and other topics in all related fields.TitleThe title is centered on the page and should be short and concise. Please limit the title to a maximum length of 10 words. The author’s name follows and is also centered on the page. The author’s last name should be preceded by the other names spelled out in full. The author’s affiliation and address are also needed.The corresponding author should be clearly indicated with the asterisk (i.e., *) and given on the bottom of the first page. Please provide the financial support acknowledgments (name and number) on the bottom of the first page.AbstractAn abstract, not exceeding 200 words, is required for all papers. Acronyms and abbreviations are spelled out at first mention in the abstract. It should be a summary of the paper and not an introduction. Because the abstract may be used in abstracting journals, it should present concisely the purposes, methodology used, results obtained, and conclusions.KeywordsThe author must provide a list of keywords, up to a maximum of six. No acronyms and abbreviations should be used.TextText should be typed in double-column. The introduction of paper should explain the nature of the problem, previous work, purpose, and contribution of the paper. It is assigned the number “1” and following sections are assigned number as needed. For example, the third section of a paper might be “3. Simulation results” headings. Acronyms and abbreviations are spelled out at first mention in the text, even they have already been defined in the abstract.Figures and tablesThe authors must ensure figures of sufficient quality and resolution. Figure captions appear below the figures. Figures should be numbered in the order they appear in the text. Table titles appear above the tables. Please verify that the figures and tables you mention in the text actually exist. When referring to a figure or a table in the text, use the abbreviation “Fig.” even at the beginning of a sentence, and do not abbreviate “Table”.EquationsNumber equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, as in (1). Be sure that the symbols in the equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately following. When referring to “(1)”, do not use “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1),” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Equation (1) is ...”.ConclusionA conclusion must be included and should indicate clearly the advantages, limitations, and possible applications of the paper.AcknowledgmentIndividuals or units other than authors who were of direct help in the work should be acknowledged by a brief statement following the conclusion. This heading is not assigned a number.ReferencesOnly articles that have been published may be included in the references. Each reference is referred to in the text by a number enclosed in a square bracket (i.e., [3]). References must be numbered and ordered according to where they are first mentioned in the paper. A reference list must be included using the following information as a guide.BiographiesShort biographies (120-150 words) should be provided that detail the authors’ education, work histories and research interests as well as their E-mail. The authors’ full names are needed. Small (2.5 cm×3.5 cm), black-and-white and high- resolution (300 dpi) photos of each author should be included.
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics雜志簡(jiǎn)介
《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》是《中國科學(xué)引文數據庫》來(lái)源期刊,被美國科學(xué)引文索引(SCIE)、美國工程索引(EI)和英國科學(xué)文摘(SA)等多家國內、外著(zhù)名檢索系統收錄。
《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》是面向高科技開(kāi)發(fā)和應用的跨學(xué)科期刊,以傳播新技術(shù)、促進(jìn)學(xué)術(shù)交流為宗旨,堅持深度與廣度、理論與應用相結合的方針,努力反映系統工程與電子技術(shù)兩大領(lǐng)域的最新成就,報道的主要內容包括:系統科學(xué)、軍事系統分析、飛行器控制、雷達、光電探測技術(shù)、信息獲取與處理、運籌學(xué)管理與決策技術(shù)等。
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics統計分析
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics雜志工作效率還是很高的,編輯相當認真負責,我論文中的參考文獻并不是按照出現的先后順序標注的,但是在出版稿中他幫我全部修改了。而且還包括了一部分筆誤造成的語(yǔ)言錯誤。非常細致,推薦大家投這個(gè)雜志!
同事介紹的這本雜志,周末時(shí)鼓起勇氣投了一篇Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics雜志,準備4個(gè)月給一審結果就不錯了,投稿三天了一點(diǎn)反應沒(méi)有,還是新到稿件,編輯真不知道忙什么呢,快點(diǎn)送審就好了,期盼能遇到好的審稿人~
挺好的一雜志,Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics雜志編輯很耐心,修改意見(jiàn)也很中肯,是個(gè)值得投的期刊。見(jiàn)刊也很快呀,從投稿到見(jiàn)刊3個(gè)月。編輯真的很負責任,從審核到最后的發(fā)表,一直跟蹤到底,而且態(tài)度很好。
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics雜志的文章要點(diǎn)很直接,很簡(jiǎn)要的。適合大學(xué)畢業(yè)做畢業(yè)論文的指導用書(shū)?,F在大學(xué)生或研究生都不自己讀書(shū),而是要導師“告訴怎么做”,實(shí)際上,找幾本指導書(shū)看看更明白。所以首推投稿網(wǎng)的書(shū)。
Q:論文發(fā)表的時(shí)候可以一稿多投嗎? |
A:一稿多投的行為是典型的學(xué)術(shù)不端的行為,是國內外學(xué)術(shù)界都明令禁止的行為,原因主要在于涉及到文章版權歸屬的問(wèn)題,如果作者的文章已經(jīng)被某個(gè)雜志社錄用,或者同時(shí)被兩家雜志社錄用,就會(huì )涉及到版權糾紛,作為雜志社都會(huì )保護本社的合法權益,到這時(shí)作者就會(huì )比較麻煩,吃官司都是小事兒了,被打入黑名單降級降職影響可就太大了。 |
Q:職稱(chēng)論文發(fā)表對時(shí)間有限制嗎? |
A:職稱(chēng)論文發(fā)表并沒(méi)有明確規定截止時(shí)間,需要作者結合自己所在地區的具體規定自己安排發(fā)表時(shí)間,一般職稱(chēng)評審,各地區都會(huì )明確規定申報材料的最后期限和截止日期,我們結合這個(gè)日期來(lái)考慮何時(shí)發(fā)表文章就可以,大部分地區職稱(chēng)評審都集中在每年的8-10月之間,有的地區要求7月中旬開(kāi)始交材料,最晚8月底之前,有的則是要求8月中旬交,還有部分地區要求截止時(shí)間為申報時(shí)間上年的12月31日,所以,各個(gè)地區的具體要求并不同,申報者需要在提交材料前確保自己的文章已經(jīng)見(jiàn)刊并且被相應的數據庫檢索即可。 |
Q:網(wǎng)上發(fā)表論文如何防騙?可靠網(wǎng)站與可疑網(wǎng)站如何區分? |
A:由于發(fā)表論文的需求遠遠多于雜志版面的供應,再加上眾所周知的審稿難!審稿慢!選擇論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站發(fā)表表論文確實(shí)能解決以上問(wèn)題。賣(mài)方市場(chǎng)的出現加之發(fā)表論文的剛性需求,就導致出現先付款后發(fā)表的現狀。論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站正規與否是通過(guò)網(wǎng)站從始至終所提供服務(wù)體現出來(lái)的,任何交易只要存在時(shí)間差都會(huì )有風(fēng)險,但這個(gè)風(fēng)險是可以通過(guò)您的智慧來(lái)避免的。因為不是所有論文網(wǎng)站都是騙子,你要做的就是過(guò)濾掉沒(méi)保障的網(wǎng)站,選擇可靠的論文發(fā)表網(wǎng)站! |
Q:一般期刊需要提前多久準備? |
A:省級、國家級期刊建議至少提前6個(gè)月準備。一般來(lái)講,雜志社為了確保每期雜志正常出刊,都會(huì )提前將當期之后1-3個(gè)月的稿件提前安排好,而一些創(chuàng )刊較早,認可度更高的熱門(mén)期刊,來(lái)稿量較大,發(fā)表周期可能就會(huì )更久。提前準備,意味著(zhù)雜志的可選擇性更多。 |
Q:核心期刊需要提前多久準備? |
A:核心期刊建議至少提前12個(gè)月準備,核心期刊正常的審稿周期為1-3個(gè)月,且審核嚴格,退稿、返修幾率更大,這意味著(zhù)在流程上耗費的時(shí)間更久,且核心期刊版面有限,投稿競爭更加激烈,即使被錄用,排刊也比普通期刊晚很多,因此需要更早準備。 |